Individual lesson for beginners under 4 years
Please contact the LAAX School office for further information.
Beginner under 4 years
Getting used to skis / skiing and braking in the snow plough position
No requirements - beginners from 4 years old
Getting used to skis / skiing and braking in the snow plough position
Skiing in a straight line and braking
Snow plough turns / safe descent in the snow plough position on a marked track in the exercise area
Snow plough turns, controlled descent in the exercise area or on easy blue pistes
First descent on the mountain / travelling by lift / safe, fluid descent in snow plough position on blue pistes on the mountain
Travelling unaccompanied by lift, safe descent in snow plough position
Parallel ski position between turns (parallel traverse) / skidding in parallel ski position / box / descent on blue pistes in snow plough and partially parallel position (increased speed) / first jumps
Safe, fluid descent on blue pistes in snow plough and partially parallel ski position
Indepent skiing on blue pistes / small jumps / parallel turns on blue pistes
Parallel turns on blue pistes
Stopping in parallel ski position / safe descent on red pistes / varying curve radii / parallel turns on red pistes
Parallel turns on red pistes
Switch / free riding on red pistes/ box / short turns and first carving turns on blue pistes
Short turns and first carving turns on blue pistes
Carving on blue pistes / halfpipe / short turns on simple red pistes / large jumps / safe descent on black pistes
Safe descent on black pistes in parallel ski position / carving
Parallel turns off piste / short turns on red pistes / carving on simple red pistes / switch / free riding on black pistes
Parallel turns off piste / short turns on red pistes / carving on simple red pistes
Freestyle / carving / race / slope tricks / off-piste / synchro
Freestyle Beginner - Level Red 3 / E5 required
Rail / box / kicker / slope / half pipe / indoor base
Freestyle advanced - Level Red 3 / E5 required
Rail / box / kicker / slope / half pipe / indoor base
Level Red 3 / E5 required
Personal technique / mini-kipp / carving / short turns / giant slalom / slalom
Level Red 4 / E5 required
off-piste technique (short turns, jumps, free skiing) / equipment / preparation / risk assessment / avalanche training
no requirements
cross-country skiing classic
no requirements
cross-country skiing skating
10.30 - 11.15 / 11.15 - 12.00
Info13.00 - 13.45 / 13.45 - 14.30 / 14.30 - 15.15
Info09.30 - 10.15 / 10.15 - 11.00
Info13.00 - 13.45 / 13.45 - 14.30 / 14.30 - 15.15
Info09.30 - 12.00 / 09.30 - 13.30
Info13.00 - 16.00 / 11.30 - 16.00
Info09.30 - 16.00